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“I feel so fortunate because now one of my best friends. “I’m just going to say that I met somebody last year, I fell in love, I had my first love, and it was something so incredible and indescribable,” Holmes gushed during a 1998 Rolling Stone profile. Upon their split, he moved on with Diane Kruger before eventually marrying the Queen & Slim actress, 35, with whom he shares daughter Janie, 2. Death alum was linked to the Ohio native, now 43, between 19. Jackson and Holmes’ on-camera connection soon translated into a real-life romance, too.

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‘What is my future? Who am I? Why am I? What’s going on? Ahhhh!’ All that stuff.”

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You know, dealing with friends, dealing with family, falling in love, falling out of love. He continued: “I think when our show was at its best was talking about the universal experiences that we all have at that time of our life.

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